Imagine this: you’re a Travel Counsellor, you know you provide unforgettable holidays and unbeatable service. But what if you have no-one to provide it to? Well, if this thought worries you, you’re not alone. It’s something every small business owner is concerned about when they set up shop. And it’s something every single one of our 1,600 plus Travel Counsellors had to go through, and they all came out unscathed!

As a Travel Counsellor, you’ll build your business by building relationships and gaining word-of-mouth referrals, and networks events are just one of the great tools at your disposable as a business owner - whether it’s formal networking groups like BNI, or a coffee with local business owners. However, the thought of networking can be intimidating, nerve-wracking or down-right scary, but it doesn’t have to be, especially with these top tips from our ‘networkaholic‘ Travel Counsellors.

Tip #1 Confidence is key

You are all there for the same reason, so don’t feel awkward or intrusive by going up and introducing yourself to people. Kay Halton, Travel Counsellor agrees: “Don't be afraid to talk to others, it’s what you’re there for! Be confident. Take everyone's business card and send them an introduction e-mail after the event.” Plus, you only have limited time, so make the most of it!

Tip #2 Don’t be put off

It can take time to become comfortable with networking, so don’t give up after one or two goes. Stephen Bellingham suggests “Try out a few different networks to help you find the ones that suit you best. Then make sure you attend regularly to have the most impact. To calm nerves, practise your lines with a friendly group, or in front of the mirror, and remember, it becomes easier over time so keep at it!”

Tip #3 It’s not all about the sale

We’d all agree the hard-sell doesn’t make us want to buy. Plus, networking is the place for growing your contact base, not for the ‘sell sell sell’. Viktoriia Fernandes, Travel Counsellors suggests instead you should “make a connection with people and see it as relationship-building rather than finding business.” Remember, the people you meet at networking might not turn in to your direct customers, but could be some of your best referrers, so make sure they know you and you know them.

Tip #4 Knowledge is power

“Take a piece of breaking news to share, this will always be your nugget of information and is a good way to start a conversation and demonstrate your knowledge of your industry, and other people’s!” says Sharon Matthews, Travel Counsellor. One of the easiest ways to start a conversation in any situation is to talk about a current topic. So, whether it’s politics, something in the news or some insider gossip from your industry, equipping yourself with knowledge to share is a great way to get the conversation flowing. 

Tip #5 Be tactical

“I have incorporated BNI meetings into my business strategy so that it is part and parcel of my marketing plan. My ‘Top Tip’ is to be there in the moment; don't think about other things like dinner or your weekend plans. As they say in BNI… it’s NetWORK, not NetSIT or NetDRINK, you must work at it.” says Lize Roodt, Travel Counsellor. As Lize says, making networking part of your routine will help you get the most out of it. After each event, try planning what you would like to say, to whom and what you are going to do differently next time.

Tip #6 There’s safety in numbers

With 1,600 Travel Counsellors worldwide, chances are there will be a Travel Counsellor in your local area who might want to give networking a go. Why not get in touch with them so you’re not going it alone? Alternatively, it can be very powerful to have someone who isn’t a Travel Counsellor accompany you. It’s something Kate Trickett, Travel Counsellor does: “If I can, I try and team up with someone I know from a different industry and we work as a team introducing each other. It’s much less daunting and can be quite impressive having another person rave about your business!”

Tip #7 Just do it!

Before you go, give yourself a pep talk and “remember, your job is brilliant and exciting! Everyone loves talking about travel and a great way to open is by asking about holidays” says Jim French, Travel Counsellor. And finally, some motivation from Tamsin Catto: “Sign up and go!  Just go for it even if it's out of your comfort zone (like it was for me!)”


Hearing it straight from those in the know is the best way to learn, and Travel Counsellors are always willing to help each other out with advice and inspiration. Through our message boards, live TCTV broadcasts and e-learning system, COACH, you will find plenty of advice for all your concerns, and of course there is always someone just a phone call away in times of need!

If you’re ready to take the leap to start your own business, get in touch to discover the world of support we provide. As a Travel Counsellor, you are not alone, and that’s why we’re TTG and Travel Weekly’s Top Homeworking Agency.

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